NestEgg’s decision engine delivers easier loan assessment.
Are you tired of moving between several different systems just to assess a loan? With NestEgg, everything’s in one place.
Online loan applications may need to be re-keyed into a credit assessment portal. Moreover, your credit data probably appears in a different place to open banking. Additional documentation to support an application arrives at an email inbox somewhere. Many screens. Lots of browsers. Wasted time.
Additionally, you’re probably re-keying an application into a core banking platform. Furthermore, there’s the challenge of keeping the member informed via manually sent emails or phone calls.
With NestEgg’s decision engine everything’s in one place. Because of this, there’s no need to switch between different systems. As a result, loan turnaround speeds up and member satisfaction improves. Consequently, word of mouth recommendation increases and the loan book grows.
- Online applications can be sent directly to the decision engine. Importantly, these can originate from NestEgg’s workflow, your own or a third-party website or mobile app.
- Applications arrive at the decision engine. They produce an automatic recommendation for accept, refer or decline. Rekeying is not required.
- Open banking appears alongside the credit report. As a result, you can easily compare the two sets of data.
- Configurable levels of automation enable an accept, refer or decline email to be sent to the applicant programmatically.
- We integrate with core banking platforms. Because of this, there’s no need to re-key. Additionally, export features are available for platforms reluctant, or unable, to embrace the modern IT eco-system.
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