Grow your loan book in 2022

On 12 January 2022 at 10:30am, NestEgg is running a webinar to help you grow your loan book in 2022.  With a line-up of expert speakers, participants will hear the latest thinking and debate strategies for growth.

We’ll kick off by hearing from NestEgg about what the data is showing us in relation to recent changes to credit risk and affordability. We’ll look at changes to credit score, default rates and spending patterns.

Following this scene setting, Fiona Clarke from Lurgan Credit Union and Eileen Halligan from Central Liverpool Credit Union will assess the financial impact Covid-19 had on members’ ability to borrow affordably. Credit unions in Northern Ireland are quite different from their counterparts in Great Britain. Therefore, Fiona and Eileen will touch on these differences throughout their presentation.

Hopefully 2022 will see the beginning of the end of significant measures to control Coronavirus. However, what does the future hold? We’ll hear from two credit unions that have recently extended their common bonds. James Berry (Great Western Credit Union) and Mark White (Smart Money Community Bank Cymru) will share their strategies for growth in 2022.

Nevertheless, Financial recovery from Covid-19 will take time. Significantly, the impact on finances hasn’t been even. Some groups are less resilient than others. James Fearnley from the Money Advice & Pensions Service will explore vulnerabilities that community lenders need to be aware of, so they can grow their loan books responsibly in 2022.

Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and debate the impact of Covid-19.

Sam Rex-Edwards from the Finance Innovation Lab will talk about their work on transforming finance and how credit unions and CDFIs can be part of an eco-system of fairer finance. Sam will explain how to get involved in the Lab’s forthcoming programme to grow purpose-driven finance, and in so doing boost responsible lending


10.30 What does the data tell us about recent changes to credit risk and affordability?

Adrian Davies, Co-founder, NestEgg

10.40 What has been the impact of Covid-19 on our members and their ability to borrow in Northern Ireland and Great Britain?

Fiona Clarke, Lurgan Credit Union & Eileen Halligan, Central Liverpool Credit Union

10.55 What are the future plans for growth?

James Berry, Great Western Credit Union and Mark White Smart Money Community Bank Cymru. 

11:10 Recognising changing vulnerabilities

James Fearnley, Money Advice & Pensions Service

11.20 Breakout: what’s been the Covid-19 impact, what have we done about it, what changes still need to be made and what are the opportunities.

11.35 The credit union difference

Sam Rex-Edwards, Finance Innovation lab

11.45 Reflections on the breakout and closing remarks from speakers

11.55 Closing remarks from NestEgg

Grow your loan book in 2022. Sign up below for this FREE webinar on Wednesday 12th January 2022 from 10:30am to noon.

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Adrian Davies

Adrian is a co-founder at NestEgg. He is an alternative finance and credit union expert. Adrian has 25 years’ experience in the money advice and responsible lending sectors, supporting credit unions with innovative ideas so they can grow and meet member needs.

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