Case Study – Castle & Crystal Credit Union

We were thrilled to enrol UK Midlands-based Castle & Crystal Credit Union as an early adopter of our Decision Engine in July 2018.

Making better decisions

The Decision Engine means that applicants now get a decision within seconds of hitting the Apply button.

Meanwhile, the credit union gets instant access to the basis for each decision recommendation via an online portal. Each recommendation is based on a wide and growing range of parameters including credit profile, affordability and identity data. The portal also allows the credit union to assess an application for walk-in and phone applicants.

Since going live with the Decision Engine, 75% of our lending went to low risk, high value applicants – Dharminder Dhaliwal, Finance & Business Manager

Turning more visitors into applicants

NestEgg completely rebuilt the credit union’s website which is now mobile-friendly and incorporates our Application Workflow.

This means website visitors can now join the credit union, apply for a loan and get a decision all within a few minutes – on a mobile phone. The credit union is now seeing 92% of online applications are over a mobile device.

Driving more visitors

We’ve also been working with Castle & Crystal on the development and roll-out of a marketing strategy. As a result, they are building awareness, growing membership and driving more loan applications.

Our advanced Analytics allows the credit union to track the impact these strategies via specific campaigns over search, social media, email and other marketing channels.

The credit union saw a 114% increase in the value of loans to new members in the first 4 months compared to the same period the previous year.

Click the button below to find out more about how Castle & Crystal have benefitted from working with NestEgg.

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Ben Breen

Ben is a co-founder at NestEgg. He's been transforming the bottom-line for startups to tier one investment banks for over 30 years via digital technology & growth strategy. Tai chi and leaf tea keep him going.

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