We’re running a credit score masterclass in February because credit scores can be hard to fathom.
Hundreds of factors contribute to a mysterious three digit number. A number that can mean the difference between getting a loan or not. Importantly, a credit score can influence the amount of interest charged for a loan. It can determine whether a landlord accepts a tenant for a rental agreement. Even home insurance can cost more if the credit score is low.
Despite much talk about credit score being outdated (with Open Banking scores often cited as an alternative), 83% of Brits consider credit scores to be important. In fact, almost half said that credit scores were ‘very important’. 50% of people check their scores at least every six months. One in five do this monthly.
With more and more people using credit score apps, awareness of how credit scores work is on the rise. Because of this Loans Officers might get behind.
That’s why we’re running a Credit Score Masterclass on 23 February. You do not need to be a NestEgg decision engine user to take advantage of this FREE training session.
We’ll be looking at:
- The different types of credit score from different credit reference agencies
- How credit scores predict bad rates for loans
- Ten drivers of credit score
- Typical credit score ‘personas’
Simply sign up on the form below.
Credit score reasons
The NestEgg decision engine shows credit score reasons next to the credit score. Explaining the factors that might be driving a credit score down, this helps Loans Officers better understand an important indicator of risk for each and every loan application.
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