Affordable or vulnerable? FREE loan affordability assessment training

Covid-19 has made loan affordability assessment much harder.

Furthermore, according to the Financial Conduct Authority, 53% of the UK adult population are showing signs of financial vulnerability.

NestEgg’s FREE training session will help loans officers strike the right balance between affordability and vulnerability.

During this one-hour course, we’ll look at how credit and open banking data can be used to identify people who meet the FCA definition of vulnerability. And, more importantly, distress. It doesn’t matter which systems you are using for loan affordability assessment. The course focusses on the underlying data, regardless of how it is provided.

Responsible lenders with robust approaches to assessing affordability can better support their borrowers. Standing up to external and regulatory scrutiny, credit unions and CDFIs can lead the way with an ethical response to financial recovery from Covid-19.

Book your slot

To enable effective discussion and action planning, places are strictly limited to 35 participants per session. Please note that 20th May is almost full, with just a few spaces remaining. So choose 26th May if you can.

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Adrian Davies

Adrian is a co-founder at NestEgg. He is an alternative finance and credit union expert. Adrian has 25 years’ experience in the money advice and responsible lending sectors, supporting credit unions with innovative ideas so they can grow and meet member needs.

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