Reducing workload when processing loans

Loans staff are increasingly away from work due to Covid-19. Because of this, NestEgg has focussed on reducing workload when processing loans.

Enhancements improve member service. NestEgg is Software as a Service and as such our Decision Engine is enhanced over time. And without upgrade fees.

Core systems integration

Importantly, NestEgg provides an API for core system integration.

This means the Decision Engine can send data to and from other systems including a banking platform. Additionally, when members apply  online, the Decision Engine is called. As a result, there’s no re-keying of applications.

Six core systems providers are currently working with NestEgg on requirements and a second integration is currently in development.

Core system workarounds

Core systems providers can take time to build, test and launch an integration. Unfortunately, some providers are reluctant to integrate. Because of this, NestEgg is releasing workarounds.

Export to .PDF enables a user to create a .pdf of the decision. Afterwards, this can be appended to a member file.

In February we’re introducing export to .CSV. New member accounts could be imported into a core system. As a result, there are no keying details for new joiners.


E-signatures are essential in socially distanced times.

However, flipping between software can be a pain.

Because of this, we’ve introduced the ability to upload a .PDF loan agreement to the Decision Engine dashboard. Loan recipients can then receive automatic reminders. Agreements arrive at a designated credit union email address when completed.

E-mail marketing software integration

Chasing supporting documents slows things down. Therefore we provide integration with email marketing software, starting with Mailchimp and Drip.

Accordingly, this enables easier requests for:

  • Bank statements.
  • Identity documents.
  • Payslips.
  • Open Banking connections.

Requests are automatically chased. Importantly, when received they appear in the relevant Decision Engine screen.

Decision Workflow users can add new and existing members to marketing lists automatically. Moreover, declined applicants can automatically be referred to the Decline to Accept service.

Our app

Our mobile app will launch soon. The app is an educational tool to support more borrowers to be accepted for loans. Additionally, the app helps reduce overall lending risk.

As a semi-finalist in Nesta’s Rapid Recovery Challenge the app is designed to help people recover financially from Covid-19.

The Decision Engine is being developed to reflect the credit alerts present in the app. Because of this, loans officers have the most up-to-date picture. As a result, it’s easier for both the borrower and lender to take account of recent changes due to Covid-19.


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Adrian Davies

Adrian is a co-founder at NestEgg. He is an alternative finance and credit union expert. Adrian has 25 years’ experience in the money advice and responsible lending sectors, supporting credit unions with innovative ideas so they can grow and meet member needs.

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