Supporting compliance for outsourcing rules

Outsourcing rules are contained in Chapter 14 of the PRA Rule Book. In short, where an important operational function is outsourced, additional controls should be in place to manage that service. In most cases where a credit union is relying on cloud-based services – outsourcing rules apply. As organisations rely more than ever on the…

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ISO 27001 Certification

NestEgg ISO 27001 certification

NestEgg is proud to announce we are now ISO 27001 certified. As of 7th November 2022, we have been certified for ISO 27001. This certification independently verifies that NestEgg follows information security best practices with our technology, people and processes. This is good news for your data. ISO 27001 certification is something we have been…

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Featured feature: debt ratios

Debt ratios are important. And the cost-of-living crisis makes affordability assessments are more important than ever. To help loans officers identify problems early on, the NestEgg decision engine displays three debt ratios, speeding up loan decision time because we do the calculations, so you don’t have to. Credit worthiness rules from the FCA state that…

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Featured feature: Automatic alternative offer

NestEgg’s decision engine provides an automatic alternative offer. Problem Sometimes a loan applicant applies for too much. But, given their credit profile, how much is the right amount? Working out an alternative offer is consuming. Checking lending policy to work out an acceptable amount takes time. The process slows everything down.  As a result, members…

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NestEgg decision engine hits £1/4bn of loans

This week NestEgg decision engine hits £1/4bn of loans assessed. The £250,000,000 represents 200,000 loans having been evaluated using the NestEgg decision engine. But it’s the successes behind the overall big number that really matter. For example, every month in the last year has seen record lending for Central Liverpool Credit Union. Our latest London-based…

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We’re hiring a Client Success Manager

NestEgg is hiring a Client Success Manager. The salary is £27,500 with a pension matched to 4% of gross salary. The role is 100% remote / home based. We are looking for a full time employee, but may consider fewer hours or a job share. About the role NestEgg software helps our responsible lender clients…

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