Are you in a vulnerable situation?

You might have a physical disability, long-term illness or suffer mental ill health. Life events, including bereavement, job loss or relationship breakdown can make you vulnerable. Also, it’s harder to make good choices if you don’t understand financial matters or if English isn’t your first language. Having a low income, no savings and debt can make matters worse.


Challenges you might face

The above vulnerabilities can mean you face difficulties when dealing with financial services. As a result, you’re more likely to receive unfair treatment, be sold unsuitable products, charged excessive fees, or subjected to aggressive marketing tactics.

We have the resources to help you:

Financial jargon: explaining fundamental financial concepts

Getting a loan: ways to improve your chances of getting a loan

Deal with debt: how to deal with debt

Save for the future: tips and tools to help you save money


You can also get free, independent advice from these organisations:

Money Helper: Free and impartial money advice from the government, offering support over the phone and online.

StepChange: A charity providing expert advice, support and solutions to help manage debt.

Debt Advice Foundation: A national debt advice and education charity offering free and confidential support.

Money Advice Trust: A national charity helping people tackle their debts and manage their money with confidence.

Citizens Advice: Free, confidential advice to help with debt and money worries, benefits, work and legal problems.