Unlock a stream of pre-qualified loan applications
The NestEgg Broker Platform matches people who are actively looking for affordable loans with responsible lenders in general & credit unions in particular.
Ready to find out more?
Schedule a call to discuss how the NestEgg Broker Platform can benefit your credit union
Tap into applicant sources previously beyond your reach
Applicants are guided through your eligibility checks for joining (and for each of your individual loan products)
Applicants can find out if they could get a loan - without affecting their credit score
Applicants can easily apply for a loan with you
Make fast, fair & data-driven lending decisions using NestEgg’s market-leading Decision Engine
Keep applicants updated as you process their application
Consolidate your reputation as a responsible lender - and fulfil your mission as a credit union
Help spread the word & fly the flag for responsible lending
Risk-free trial
Ready to find out more?
Schedule a call to discuss how the NestEgg Broker Platform can benefit your credit union